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Regular price $7.00 CAD
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Our Egyptian lemongrass imparts a fresh, citrusy aroma with a hint of ginger, making it distinctly refreshing. The flavour is bright and lemony with a slightly earthy undertone, delivering a complex palate experience. Its clean and crisp notes make it a favourite for infusing teas, soups, and a variety of dishes, offering a burst of freshness that enhances overall taste without overpowering other flavours.

Origin: Egypt

Botanical Name: Cymbopogon Citratus

Cooking Ideas:

  • Lemongrass Coconut Soup: Simmer dried lemongrass with coconut milk, chicken broth, sliced mushrooms, and chicken or tofu pieces. Season with fish sauce and lime juice for a simple, soothing soup.

  • Lemongrass Roasted Potatoes: Toss cubed potatoes with olive oil, dried lemongrass, salt, and pepper. Roast in a preheated oven at 400°F until golden and crisp for a unique twist on a classic side.

  • Lemongrass Infused Rice: Cook rice with a teaspoon of dried lemongrass and a pinch of salt. Serve with grilled fish or vegetables for a subtly flavored side dish.

  • Lemongrass Pork Skewers: Marinate pork chunks in a mix of dried lemongrass, honey, soy sauce, and lime juice. Thread onto skewers and grill until nicely charred. Serve with a side of fresh cucumber salad.

Heat Level ✹ 0/10 ✹ Lemongrass has no heat, highlighting its refreshing qualities instead.

Sweet ✹ 2/10 ✹ Slightly sweet, reminiscent of a light, sugary citrus zest.

Bitter ✹ 0.5/10 ✹ There’s a hint of bitterness, but it’s very subtle and often overshadowed by fresher notes.

Savoury ✹ 1/10 ✹ Very mild savoury tones, barely noticeable amid the dominant fresh flavours.

Umami ✹ 0/10 ✹ Lemongrass does not contribute any umami flavours to dishes.

Citrus ✹ 8/10 ✹ Highly citrusy, it imparts a crisp, vibrant lemon flavour that's unmistakable.

Brightness ✹ 9/10 ✹ Offers a bright, clean taste that can lighten up any dish.

Smoky ✹ 0/10 ✹ No smoky qualities, maintaining its profile of fresh and light.

Earthy ✹ 1/10 ✹ There's a very faint earthy background note, which is mostly overshadowed.

Complexity ✹ 3/10 ✹ While not complex, the singular notes it presents are distinct and clear.

Fun Fact: In Jamaica and across the Caribbean, lemongrass is known as "fever grass." It's commonly brewed into a tea that helps relieve fever and cold symptoms.


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